Operating Costs of an Electric Boiler

Understanding electricity rates and consumption structure is essential before choosing an electric boiler, as energy costs can have a significant impact on operations.

Electricity Rates in Detail

Billing for Power

The power (measured in kW) corresponds to the maximum load your facility has demanded from the electrical grid over the course of a day. Power peaks, often caused by the simultaneous startup of equipment such as boilers, motors, and compressors, determine the cost of this component.

According to Hydro-Québec’s Tariff M (2025), power is billed at approximately 17 $/kW.

Example: A 1000 kW peak costs $17,000 per month.

Billing for Energy

Energy (expressed in kWh) reflects the total amount of electricity consumed by your equipment. This cost varies depending on the usage of the boiler and ancillary equipment.

For Hydro-Québec’s Tariff M (2025), energy is billed between 4 and 6 c/kWh.

Example: A consumption of 173,000 kWh costs approximately $6,850 per month (with an average price of 5 c/kWh).

Cost Comparison

The combined costs of power and energy for a 1000 kW electric boiler reach approximately $24,000 per month. In comparison, an equivalent gas boiler costs around $8,000 per month. However, as the price of natural gas increases, this gap is expected to narrow over the next five years.

System Optimization to Reduce Costs

Management strategies, such as load shifting and shedding, implemented through automated peak controllers, significantly reduce additional costs. These intelligent systems balance the load on the grid and limit consumption peaks, thereby reducing overall electricity bills.

Using a hybrid boiler or a separate gas boiler in tandem, managed by an automated controller, not only allows for load shedding during peak events to avoid extra costs but also optimizes available credits. This approach contributes to an even more significant reduction in operating costs.

Available Resources

Fichier Excel pour effectuer vos propres calculs de coûts pour comparer différents combustibles (bientôt disponible). Contactez-nous pour recevoir une copie par e-mail.

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